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New Wave Therapy Alternative Articles

Alternative and Complementary Medicine has Become Less Alternative

Bob Burdekin, AES, CHHP

The perception of alternative and complementary medicine has become “less alternative” has evolved over time due to several factors:


Scientific Research and Evidence: There has been an increased focus on conditioning rigorous scientific studies to asses the efficacy and safety of various alternative and complementary therapies. Read More ....

The Shift Towards Personalized Health Care: Embracing Alternative and Complementary Medicine

Bob Burdekin, AES, CHHP


Introduction: In recent years, a significant paradigm shift has occured in the health industry as individuals seek alternative medical care over conventional methods. This movement is driven by growing desire among people to take greater control of their health decisions. The shift reflects a shift away from a one-size-fits-all approach to a more personalized and collaborative model, ehere individuals actively participate in decisions about their well-being. Read More ...

The Importance of Using "Wild Crafted" Herbs When Creating Herbal Tinctures

Bob Burdekin, AES, CHHP


When it comes to crafting tinctures, wild-crafted herbs are often preferred due to their superior potency and purity. The natural environment in which these herbs thrive results in a more robust chemical composition, offering a broader spectrum of beneficial compounds. This can lead to more effective and potent tinctures compared to those made from mass-produced herbs. Additionally, the absence of synthetic chemicals in wild-crafted herbs ensures a cleaner and more authentic product, appealing to individuals seeking a holistic and natural approach to wellness. Read More ...

What You Need to Know and be Aware of When Purchasing Herbal Tinctures

Bob Burdekin, AES, CHHP


Since almost the beginning of time people all over the world have been able to use herbs to address many different health issues. In fact, the oldest recorded use of herbs dates back to Ancient Egyptian records, close to 3,500 years ago and is contained within the “Ebers Papyrus”. This document lists over 700 medicinal herbs along with specific uses for noted diseases and maladies. In addition to the use by the Egyptians, the Chinese, Native Americans, and many indigenous tribes located within Central and South America have used and continue to this very day to use herbs on a daily basis. Read More ...

The Health Benefits of Herbal Tinctures: Why You Should Choose Natural Remedies Over Over-the-Counter Drugs

Bob Burdekin, AES, CHHP


In today's fast-paced world, maintaining optimal health and wellness is more crucial than ever. With the rise of various health issues and the increasing awareness of the potential side effects of synthetic medications, many individuals are turning to alternative and complementary medicine for relief. One such natural remedy gaining popularity is herbal tinctures. In this article, we'll explore why it's in your best interest to consider herbal tinctures over over-the-counter drugs for your well-being. Read More ...

Harnessing Nature's Power: Herbal Tinctures as the Ultimate Solution for Cold, Flu, and Virus Relief

Bob Burdekin, AES, CHHP


In the relentless pursuit of health and wellness, the quest for effective remedies to combat colds, flu, and viral infections is relentless. While over-the-counter drugs have long held sway as the conventional approach, a paradigm shift is underway. There's a burgeoning awareness of the potential drawbacks associated with synthetic medications, coupled with a growing appreciation for the healing prowess of nature's bounty. Enter herbal tinctures – a natural alternative that's steadily gaining prominence for its remarkable efficacy in addressing these common ailments. In this article, we delve deep into the world of herbal tinctures, exploring their unparalleled potential as the ultimate solution for cold, flu, and virus relief. Read More ...

The Art of Wildcrafting: Cultivating, Harvesting, and Processing Nature's Bounty

Bob Burdekin, AES, CHHP


In the realm of alternative and complementary medicine, there exists a timeless tradition known as wildcrafting – the art of ethically harvesting medicinal herbs from their natural habitats. This age-old practice not only honors the wisdom of ancient healing traditions but also fosters a profound connection with the natural world. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricate process of wildcrafting, from cultivation to harvesting and processing, unlocking the secrets of nature's pharmacy along the way. Read More ...

Understanding Coenzyme Q10: A Comprehensive Guide to Its Benefits and Functions in Alternative Medicine

Bob Burdekin, AES, CHHP


In the realm of alternative and complementary medicine, few supplements have garnered as much attention as Coenzyme Q10, commonly known as CoQ10. This naturally occurring compound plays a pivotal role in cellular energy production and has been heralded for its myriad health benefits. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the science behind CoQ10, its functions within the body, and its potential therapeutic applications. Read More ...

Unlocking the Power of Enzymes in Alternative and Complementary Medicine

Bob Burdekin, AES, CHHP


Throughout all of alternative and complementary medicine, the spotlight often shines on natural remedies that support the body's innate healing processes. Among these, enzymes stand out as crucial players in maintaining optimal health and well-being. Let's delve into the world of enzymes, understanding their functions, mechanisms, and the profound benefits they offer for overall wellness. Read More ...

Unlocking the Healing Potential: The Benefits of an Herbal Tincture-Based Health Management Program

Bob Burdekin, AES, CHHP


In today's fast-paced world, the quest for holistic health solutions is more prominent than ever. As individuals seek alternatives to conventional medicine, herbal tinctures have emerged as a cornerstone of natural wellness practices. Harnessing the power of nature's bounty, herbal tinctures offer a myriad of benefits in promoting overall well-being and vitality. Let's delve into the transformative potential of an herbal tincture-based health management program and explore the advantages it brings to the table. Read More ...

Starting Early: The Importance of Embracing Herbal Tinctures for Health Management from a Young Age

Bob Burdekin, AES, CHHP


In the pursuit of lifelong wellness, the timing of adopting health-promoting practices can significantly impact one's overall well-being. As such, embracing a herbal tincture-based health management program from an early age holds immense benefits that lay the foundation for a lifetime of vitality and resilience. Let's delve into why starting early with herbal tinctures is paramount for optimizing health outcomes and fostering a culture of preventive wellness. Read More ...

Achieving Holistic Wellness: Understanding the Eight Categories of Human Body Maintenance and Herbal Tinctures

Bob Burdekin, AES, CHHP


In the pursuit of optimal health and well-being, it is essential to recognize the intricate balance within the human body. At New Wave Therapy, we have accepted a comprehensive approach to human body maintenance by categorizing it into eight key areas. Each category addresses specific aspects of health, allowing for a targeted and effective herbal tincture regimen. Let's delve into these categories to understand their functions and the importance of maintaining balance for overall health. Read More ...

Understanding the Use of LED Red Light Therapy

Bob Burdekin, AES, CHHP


LED red light therapy has become increasingly popular in recent years as a natural and non-invasive treatment option for a variety of health issues. It involves the use of specific wavelengths of red light to penetrate the skin and promote cellular repair and regeneration. In this blog post, we will discuss the science behind LED red light therapy, its potential benefits, and how to incorporate it into your wellness routine. Read More ...

Unveiling the Advantages of an Herbal Tincture-based Health Management Program

Bob Burdekin, AES, CHHP


In the realm of alternative and complementary medicine, herbal tinctures have emerged as potent remedies for promoting health and well-being. These concentrated extracts harness the therapeutic properties of medicinal plants, offering a natural approach to managing various health conditions. Let's delve into the benefits of a herbal tincture-based health management program, exploring how it works and why it's favored for supporting the human body. Read More ...

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