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Systemic Candida is an insidious condition, coming on quickly and being long term. It can be triggered in a week, a month or over several months depending on the person. Most people having Candida do not realize it until they become seriously ill. The systems are numerous and seemly unrelated that it can confuse you and your Physician.


Systemic Candida can destroy your health and maybe the link to many of our modern day illnesses. Candida can rob the body of nutrition and poison the tissues with toxins, making it a contributor, directly or indirectly, to a long list of potentially serious conditions. Samuel Young M.H., N. D. has designed Country Doctor Herbals Protocol for Candida, and if you are committed in getting well, the recommendations with this protocol could fulfill your expectations!


                                                                                              Samual  Young M.H., N.D.

Country Doctor Herbals Candida Protocol

  • Prolong use of antibiotics

    Oral contraceptive use, estrogen replacement therapy, steroid use

    Anti-ulcer medications

    Immune suppression due to stress related illness or infections

    Poor dietary habits, including high sugar and high fructose corn syrup use

    Environmental toxins and chemicals

    Excessive alcohol use


    Diabetes – Candida thrives with the presence of sugar

    Gallbladder problems

    Hydrochloric Acid or Enzymes deficiencies

    Hypoglycemia or hypo-adrenia

    Impair liver function

    Food or environmental allergies

    Mercury Almagam dental fillings

    Digestive tract “FRIENDLY FLORA” deficiency

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